Event title: Perspectives on Adolescent to Parent Violence
Date & time: 24 March 2016. 10am – 4.30pm.
Organiser: AVA (Against Violence and Abuse)
An interactive, practical day on Adolescent to Parent Violence (APV), designed to raise awareness of the topic and provide participants with an opportunity to explore the dynamics of the issue as a profile of domestic abuse. Information will be provided on definitions, background theories, prevalence, risk factors, case studies and behaviour patterns. Consideration will be given of the problems of engaging with families around this issue and an overview of current service provision (models of work) will be provided.
The day aims to increase knowledge of this issue and ways to respond, although it is not a training to deliver a specific intervention model, some useful activities for both parents and young people will be provided.
Learning Objectives
- To gain an understanding of the dynamics and contexts of APV
- To explore patterns of abusive behaviour and family case studies
- To gain an overview of background theory, sector statistics and risk factors
- To learn about the barriers and approaches to engage with young people and parents in relation to this issue
- To increase knowledge about current service provision and developing practice
Who should attend:
This 1 day course is suitable for all those who currently work with young people or families and wish to further their knowledge in relation to APV. It is suitable for both frontline practitioners and service managers including domestic abuse specialists, youth offending teams, social care & children’s services, youth workers, parenting workers, educationalists etc. Some prior knowledge in relation to understanding of domestic abuse would be beneficial.
Venue: Development House, , London,
Cost: £99 vol / £140 stat
How to book: To book a place visit our website.
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