Clinks are very pleased to be able to share with you a new report: Who Cares? – Where now for women offender services?

Over the last 18 months, Clinks have interviewed service providers who are experts in supporting women throughout the Criminal Justice System, in prison, and in communities. The ‘Who Cares?’ report shines a light on the day to day reality of running women offender services. Looking at the challenges of maintaining a gender specific focus, and the resilience of these specialist projects as they adapt to changing national policy and local priorities. It has also provided a glimpse of the changing needs of women in the system, and the way in which this is already shaping future service delivery.

Those interviewed provided the team valuable local intelligence on the impact of current policy changes, the changing needs of the women accessing the services, and the sustainability of local provision. Within this, the report has highlighted positive examples of the voluntary sector working together with statuary sector partners that are commitment to a gender specific approach. This has allowed to showcase the innovative work that people are undertaking to address the challenges faced by the women they work alongside. As a summary, five recommendations for change have been provided.

The report can be accessed here.